Our Safeguarding Team

Pupil Wellbeing at Mowmacre Hill Primary School

At Mowmacre Hill Primary School we are committed to using our best endeavours to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children which enables them to achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives and make successful transition to their next phase of education.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child it is your duty to report it.

You can contact a Designated Safeguarding Lead by Face/Face Front Office Email School Phone line or

Family Welfare Officers phone 07702866639

Matthew Peet – Lead DSLmpeet@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Fiona Simmonds – Deputy DSLfsimmonds@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Julie Eyden – Deputy DSL – ELSAjeyden@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Sandra Lloyd – Deputy DSLslloyd@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Estelle Ewing – Deputy DSLeewing@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Donna Wilson -SENCOdwilson@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Sue Edwards – Deputy DSLsedwards@dsatmowmacrehill.org
Rhea Sills – Deputy DSLrsills@dsatmowmacrehill.org

We are an Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass is a partnership between police and schools.

One of the principles of Operation Encompass is that all incidents of domestic abuse are shared with schools, not just those where an offence can be identified.

This is the early reporting to school when a child has been exposed to domestic violence or domestic abuse. School can then monitor the child and provide support if necessary.

Every school appoints a trained Key Adult – the Key Adult is the person who receives information about police attended Domestic Abuse incidents.

The Key Adult will be notified prior to the start of the next school day that the police have attended an incident of domestic abuse. This timely information sharing enables appropriate support to be provided for that child so that all interactions, from when the child first arrives at the school gates, are of a positive nature.

For further information, please come in and see us.

Please click below to access the Operation Encompass website

Please click below to access the Operation Encompass website